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a personal experience to share as an english learner

發表於 2-3-2009 03:50:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
For my point of view, this English Plaza is not like anywhere in Nakuz, active. People are just asking questions for fun, and i do not think this is called a discussion. From what i saw, people will just post and leave for another topic for points. This would get more people coming in and get points by just replying some random questions, but not people who really want to discuss.
LOL after a lot of bs, share my experience as an english learner in Canada.
At first, it was a tough time getting involved in everything. As the first year pass by, i get to know more and more friends ( all Chinese XD). Some of them are like me, from Hong Kong, and some are from mainland china and Taiwan. Also, there are some who are born in canada as well. My second year was not as difficult, i get to know more people and about getting better in english, i do think that everyone must get a good tutor. Do not try to get cheap tutors to help you, coz most of them are quantity over quality.
As my third year in canada starts (2008), i have to get everything ready for university. The amount of work and effort i put in is unlimited, so i think that if everyone wants to learn good english. First, get someone who can improve your english skills. Then, you must have yr time spent to get your english advanced. If not, you might result in failure.
Haha..finally i am done with my talking, what do you Nakuzers thinks about it?

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發表於 2-3-2009 22:20:39 | 只看該作者
Could you tell me how a way we can get are good tutors as britisher ???
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 樓主| 發表於 2-3-2009 22:35:12 | 只看該作者
first you need to know if he/ she can teach essay writing.....
secondly u need to know how he/she teaches
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發表於 8-3-2009 21:32:26 | 只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing. I really understand that find a good tutor to teach me,it is a good effective way of English learning.

Besides, 2009 CEs are coming soon. Let us discuss more acticle in English plaza for English practise.
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 樓主| 發表於 9-3-2009 07:47:12 | 只看該作者
lets open a topic then xD
hope that more people will participate
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發表於 12-3-2009 04:51:19 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Fig9ux 於 12-3-2009 05:20 編輯

thanks for sharing your views. I find it very interesting to read. But i want to point out that your name is werid.....= =
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發表於 7-11-2010 14:28:17 | 只看該作者
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